Валерия Елфимова-Абрам, 28.11.1988

Полное имя:
Валерия Елфимова-Абрам
Родной город:
Дата рождения:
Политические предпочтения:
Главное в жизни:
красота и искусство
Главное в людях:
доброта и честность
Отношение к курению:
Отношение к алкоголю:
My resume sample💛💛💛🤎🤎🤎 I’m graduate specialist in philology, psycholinguistics, interpreting, foreign languages; I’ve gotten diploma in translation with right to teach. From the age of 5, being in kindergarten, I discovered vocation to learn English, 3rd language in a row, in addition to my 2 native ones. From an early age, I worked as interpreter of English translating fiction, scientific, technical literature, medical instructions; also I was working as the special tutor/translator of English taking orders online. I studied French, German languages at school and Latin, French, Italian at the Academy. Being passionate about my profession, I began to study various languages, dialects​- in total I understand and can explain thoughts in 23 languages, I’m fluent in 8 of them. Being extraordinary, interesting, strong, intellectually developed, sensitive, kind-hearted, supportive girl, beautiful inside my Soul first of all since my birth I’d realised the importance of helping others: especially I love animals, Nature, children since I was little princess) I’ve always known how it’s generous, helpful for World to be part of Nature/Planet Earth, supporting homeless animals, all types of kind animal’s populations; to stop eating meat, fish, eggs -because they’re not just our environment, they’re alive Souls; to help children with diseases, abandoned kids; to protect all elements of Nature, including creeks, ponds, lakes, storage water reservoirs, rivers, bays, seas, waterfalls, oceans; to stop plucking, cutting alive herbs, plants, flowers, shrubs, trees (the exception is to pluck sometimes medicinal plants’ species); to pay respect for kind insects/birds/freshwater types of animals/mammals, for everything alive in World, for All Nature’s Elements who have been giving Life for all of us; to support elder, disabled people, kind human beings and who are in need; to love, respect Creator with Saint Spirit, Jesus with Maria, All Gods/Angels, Milky Way with Cosmos. I’m very happy, excited, interested to occupy myself with International Philanthropy since 2008, to search for investments/donations, to donate, to encourage other awesome human beings to be interested in philanthropy, to engage everyone in welfare work💚💚💚
Любимая музыка:
Jazz, Rock, Classic music, Trance, Rap, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock; inspiring, encouraging music for me; Игорь Тальков, Кино, Scorpions, Linkin Park with Chester, 30 seconds to Mars, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Nazareth, Depeche Mode, Modern Talking, Deep Purple, Ennio Morricone, Frank Sinatra, Queen with Mercury, Joe Dasen, Muse, Joe Cocker, System of a Down, House of Lords, Lordi, Led Zeppelin, Welshly Arms, Агата Кристи, Наутилус, Рок Острова♥️♥️♥️
Любимые фильмы:
“If tomorrow comes” (1986, by Sidney Sheldon); “Scarlett” (1994); “Собачье сердце” (Russia, 1988), “Бесы“ (Russia, 2014), “Братья Карамазовы” (2008, Russia); “Tu és” (Russia, 1991); “The Others” (2001); “The Lord of the Rings”(All parts), “Carlito’s Way”, “Invasion” (2007), “Troya” (2001), “Shameless” (USA), “The Legends of the Fall”, “Regarding Henry”, “Мусорщик”, «Ты у меня одна», “Hachiko” (1987, Japan, History of Хатико), “The Hooligans”, “Интердевочка”, “Кодекс бесчестия”, “The family man”, “The dressmaker”, “Les Misérable” (2018), “Curly Sue”, “Home alone”, “Unfaithful”, “Ирония судьбы или с лёгким паром! 1”, “Карнавальная ночь”, "La sconosciuta"; documentaries about Nature🪷, Cosmos🌌🌠, animals🐈🐈‍⬛; thrillers; historical films❤️❤️❤️
Любимые телешоу:
"Life is, but a dream" Beyoncé
Любимые книги:
Фёдор Достоевский «Бесы», Михаил Булгаков «Белая Гвардия» и «Собачье сердце», Сергей Есенин, Sigmund Schlomo Freid, Mario Puzo “Il Padrino”, Салтыков-Щедрин, Николай Гоголь, Александр Пушкин, Кафка, Виктор Гюго «Отверженные» и «Собор Парижской Богоматери», Набоков, Иван Тургенев, Бунин (и как переводчик), Теодор Драйзер, Jack London, Jonathan Swift, Dante Alighieri, Bible, Torah, Мой Папа Валерий Иванович 🖤🖤🖤
Вуз: ЛГАКИ им. М. Л. Матусовского (бывш. ЛГИКИ), 2010, Очное отделение, Выпускница (бакалавр)
Факультет: Факультет филологии
Кафедра: Кафедра иностранной филологии и психолингвистики
Школа: Гимназия № 42, 1996 - 2006
Foreign languages (English, Français, Deutsche); Ukrainian language; Russian and worldwide literature; philology; history; humanitarian sciences; chemistry; geography
ЛГАКИ им. М. Л. Матусовского (бывш. ЛГИКИ)
Место работы:
International trade, 2012 - 2022, Austria, Hungary, Czech; Polish Spólka Denwel(Electrical Supplies)
Место работы:
2004 - 2023, Special Tutor of English, Interpreter-Italy, Ukraine
Место работы:
2016 - 2020, Babysitter, Cleaning Villas/Flats, Companies for elder women
Место работы:
2007 - 2007, Tickets’ Merchandiser
Место работы:
2007 - 2007, Currier post service "Dentline" dentistry
Место работы:
2007 - 2007, Shop-assistant-Electrical, Plumbing Hypermarket's Departments
Место работы:
2007 - 2007, Translator, operator, receptionist
Русский, Українська, English, Italiano, Français, Polski, Čeština, Español, Lingua Latina, Беларуская (тарашкевiца), Български, Hrvatski, Српски, Македонски, Slovenščina, Slovenčina, Deutsch, Português, Crnogorski, Suomi, Português brasileiro, Svenska
Валерия Елфимова-Абрам. Родилась Валерия 28 ноября 1988. Сегодня Валерии 36 лет. На странице (ВКонтакте) Валерии было обнаружено: друзей - 2088, подписчиков - 3969, фотографий - 13, аудиозаписей - 752, видеозаписей - 4. В статусе - 〽️💛🌟💏RussianPolishFinnishCossackItalianUkrainianCountessJew👸💚BestGoddessMasterpiece♥️❤StayAlwaysGracious:BestRevenge-YourPaper🏆💎🔺️🚫.

Фотографии 13

some content