Сергей Емелькин, 01.02 Сергей Емелькин

Сергей Емелькин

Taipei, Тайвань

Сергей Емелькин, 01.02

Полное имя:
Сергей Емелькин
Место проживания:
Тайвань, Taipei
Родной город:
Дата рождения:
О себе:
Фотограф! Hello dear friends! My name is Sergey Mau. I began photography practice not long ago, in 2011, by visiting wedding photography masterclass. That same day I realized that I want to give people emotions and express them in my photographs. In every person I see something special, and try to image it by my skill, like an artist, like a sculptor. I don't have this refinement of images, pretentiousness, desire to prove to the world that I'm not like everybody. I'm just doing as I see. Photography became my passionate interest in which I try to put a piece of myself, love for life and people, because events are passed off, emotions are changed, memories are erased, but in photographs everything remains the same. My interests are very varied - weddings, christenings, Love Story, photos expectant mothers, infants, children, family photos, personal portfolio, staged or reportage shots in the studio, on the street or indoor. Photography brings me real pleasure, so I'm not limited to specific genres and try to cover all sides of this amazing art. Why don't stop a moment to enjoy your pictures again and again?
Вуз: 國立臺北商業大學 National Taipei University of Business, Дистанционное обучение, Студент (специалист)
Факультет: 創新經營學院 College of Innovative Management
Кафедра: 商品創意經營系 Department of Commercial Creativity Management
Школа: 中華語文研習所 Taipei Language Institute (TLI)
Газпром-Медиа Холдинг
Место работы:
с 2024 г., Руководитель технической поддержки Data Platform
Сергей Емелькин живет в городе Taipei, Тайвань. Родился Сергей 1 февраля. Родной город - Taipei. На странице (ВКонтакте) Сергея было обнаружено: друзей - 0, подписчиков - 1990, фотографий - 0, аудиозаписей - 0, видеозаписей - 36. В статусе - Начинающий блогер 😜. Заходил на свою страничку вчера в 21:56.
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