Место проживания:
Украина, Киев
Дата рождения:
Политические предпочтения:
Работаю =))) фасовщик
Заработать состаяние =)))
Любимая музыка:
Фактор 2, Николь, Максим, Т9, Моранди, s clab, Ранетки
Любимые фильмы:
Люди Х, Пираты карибского моря, Трансформеры, Крепкий арешек, . YAMAKASI
Любимые телешоу:
Окна, вмире жевотних
Любимые игры:
Half-life, CS, NFS, Fabli, медаль за отвагу, lif4dei
О себе:
What in the world was i thinking,
when i went and bought you those flowers and candy,
i was thinking that every girl wants a nice guy,
someone she can trust, but i guess i was not right.
what is wrong with me?...
or do i have to be...
a jerk so you'll want me...
a jerk so we can be...together happily and this time i will use you
and if you ask me nice, then i'll even abuse you
frequently i'll tell you, your fat and annoying,
frequently i'll tell you i don't want a girlfriend.
what is wrong with me?...
or do i have to be...a jerk so you'll want me
a jerk so we can be...together happily...
and i won't ever call you,
and i will cheat on you whenever i want to
after that i'll tell you i'm sorry, forgive me
then i don't know why but you want to be with me
what is wrong with you?
its sad but it is true,
you're forcing me to play, the same old stupid games,
cause you want what you can't have,
so i have to treat you bad,
i don't mean to be so mean,
but you're forcing me to be...a jerk so you'll want me
a jerk so we can be...together happily
together happily
then you'll leave me, and you'll find a man
who'll love you so much he'll ask for your hand
gonna call my mum and treat you like you're trash
i don't know why but you'll still want me back.
what is wrong with you?
it's sad but it is true,
you're forcing me to play, the same old stupid games,
cause you want what you can't have,
so i have to treat you bad,
i don't mean to be so mean,
but you're forcing me to be...a jerk so you'll want me,
a jerk so we can be...together happily...
together happily, we'll be together happily.
Школа: им.Калинина №3, 1997 - 2007
Школа: Профессиональный лицей № 15, 2007 - 2008
Место работы:
СпринтерК, 2008 - 2010, Комырник
Петр Кухтик живет в городе Киев, Украина. Родился Петр 29 июля 1990. Родной город - Киев. Сегодня Петра 34 года. На странице (ВКонтакте) Петра было обнаружено: друзей - 148, подписчиков - 197, фотографий - 1, аудиозаписей - 128, видеозаписей - 52. В статусе - Жизнь — это маленькая кухня, на которой мы готовим блюда под названием «счастье». На этой кухне мы сами себе шеф-повара, и только нам решать.