Место проживания:
Бразилия, Alagoas
http://vk.com/luiza_gama http://www.shufflestyle.com.br http://threewords.me/luizagama_ http://vk.com/luizagama http://www.facebook.com/luizagama.officialsite
Дата рождения:
Главное в жизни:
красота и искусство
Главное в людях:
доброта и честность
Go out with my friends, watching t.v
О себе:
i'm eighteen years old, from Brazil. I'm pretty good, once you get to know me. The things I've experienced have colored my beliefs - don't make me explain myself to you, just understand that I am the way I am because of what's happened to me and around me. I'm a very forgiving person, but I'm also confrontational. Things don't go unsettled with me; while some might think that's a bad thing, others would agree that resolution and reconciliation is the best way to go. It's safe to say that I've seen some ugly things in my life; but I've seen some pretty things, too. Don't be scared of me. I'll never dog you, and trust me when I say that once you get a little insight into my life, everything I do makes all the more sense.
Luiza Gama
Date of birth
São Paulo (Alagoas)
Looking for
Love status
I'm not telling you anything
Место работы:
Colírios - CAPRICHO, 2006 - 2013, Model
English, Español, Português
Luiza Gama живет в городе Alagoas, Бразилия. Родилась Luiza 16 июля 1994. Родной город - Alagoas. Сегодня Luiza 30 лет. На странице (ВКонтакте) Luiza было обнаружено: друзей - 226, подписчиков - 377, фотографий - 146, аудиозаписей - 42, видеозаписей - 10. В статусе - OI OLÁ! BEM VINDO PARA O MEU PERFIL LOVE U BRAZIL.