Black color, personal diary, music, painting, psychology, photography, b / w, boys, fragrances, soap bubbles, discs as decoration, figurines, books, philosophy, poetry, Russian, indigo, parents, friends, school, university, animals, laughter, emotions, movies, music videos, new channel, disco, sea, tanning, shopping center, second hand, cemetery, fear, high heel shoes, acrylic on fabric, Naroscheny nails, jewelry, silver, names, dream interpretation, portrait, silence, Night clubs, summer, shops, the smell of matches, strawberries, whipped cream, sun, life, cappuccino, men's perfume, rain, look in your eyes, lie down at 5 am, French, roller coasters, music, sun, night, lilies, money, black handles, the people that make me happy, green tea, honesty, birthday gifts, late, get angry for no reason, watch men's magazines tsvety