Любимые игры:
Kick Master, Monster in My Pocket, Rockin' Kats, Silent Hill, System Shock 2, Resident Evil, Clive Barker`s Undying, Castlevania, Blood, Kyrandia, Secret of Monkey Island, King`s Quest, Civilization, Stronghold, Total War, Desperados, Might & Magic, HoMM 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, Desert Demolition, Super Mario Bros, MK, Street Fighter, Shining Force, Minecraft, Cadash, Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden, Spore, Final Fantasy, Megami Tensei, Warcraft II, Lost Vikings, Dizzy, Contra, Cannon Fodder, Hogs of War, Worms, Battletoads, Comix Zone, Guevara, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Road Rash, Chase HQ, Rock n' Roll Racing, Super Spy Hunter, Gunstar Heroes, No One Lives Forever, Zero Tolerance, Jedi Outcast, Bad Street Brawler, Guilty Gear, Soulcalibur, Shadow of Rome, Battle Chess, GreenGreen, Crimsonland, Deadhunt, Serious Sam, GTA 2, [Prototype], Joe & Mac, SimCity, Caesar, Theme Park, Theme Hospital, Street Wars, Postal 2, Космические Рейнджеры, Как достать соседа, Crush the Castle 2 ………………………………………………………………………………