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Dede Sukmadi, 12.07 Dede Sukmadi

Dede Sukmadi

Bandung, Индонезия
4 друзей

Dede Sukmadi, 12.07

Полное имя:
Dede Sukmadi
Место проживания:
Индонезия, Bandung
Родной город:
komp.Pondok Padalarang Indah Jl.Bima I blok G-13 Bandung Barat, 40553
www.situswebinstan.com ; www.web1001.co.cc ; www.kuncisuksesfacebook.co.cc
Дата рождения:
Политические предпочтения:
I am currently working as an Area Sales Manager at Christopher Salon for the area of East Jakarta, Pondok Gede Bekasi and part of Central Jakarta. Where almost every day I monitor the daily operations of the branch, whether it is operational team creambath, staylist, cashier or handling customer face to face. Cashflow Memanag Daily, weekly and monthly, either for owner customers, etc
Show romanization Very fond of my marketing world, because my time fleksiblenya also very exciting because it can meet langsunag with the crowd, that sometimes can share experiences. I wrestle world of marketing poetry in college semesters III, and until recently was still having a good relationship with customers old and new. In addition I was very interested at all with the internet, until now I mengelutinya after work hours in the salon, from the self-taught, did not understand at all about the internet, websites, domains, hosting, etc.. until this moment I'm working on my website that has not also done 100% because of learning and learning by myself, which is the guideline I just ebook-2 from which I learned as: www.formulabisnis.com/?id=aghinashafa; www.kontes. jadibos.com /? id = Gempar; www.tipsakti.com / dede_sukmadi, etc. so now I already have a website: www.situswebinstan.com; www.jurusmautfacebook.co.cc; www.web1001.co.cc
Любимая музыка:
Pop songs, classical music, memorable songs / Islamic, Sulis, J-rock, Rihanna, Opick, The Virgine, guardians, vagetosz, miss bands, etc
Любимые фильмы:
Van dam, Jet lie, Co yun fat, (action)
Любимые телешоу:
Global Tv, Tv-One, Tran-Tv
Любимые книги:
Suwandi Chow, Joko Susilo, Tung The Sam Waringin, Robert J Kyosaki
Любимые игры:
F1 formula
О себе:
I am a man with a wife and two sons / daughters, now aged 39 years, Padjadjaran University, Bandung S1 Fak.Peternakan field of study. Originally wanted to fattening sheep and entrepreneurial sector has been a successful year in 1994, but failed because deceived people, can not go back again because of capital and ultimately knock mengeluti field of pharmaceutical marketing from 1999 to 2008 from the start of medical reps until you reach the area sales manager, and currently wrestle operational area and beauty salon services since 2008 until today. I am always optimistic, willing to work, never give up so that it appears self-taught (computers, internet, service motor 2 does not). Is currently preparing for my website using the address: www.situswebinstan.com; www.web1001.co.cc; www.jurusmautfacebook.co.cc
Вуз: Universitas Padjadjaran, 1996, Очное отделение, Выпускник (специалист)
Факультет: Fakultas Peternakan
Кафедра: Ilmu Peternakan (S1)
Школа: SMA Negeri 62, 1988 - 1991
Universitas Padjadjaran
Место работы:
www.situswebinstan.com ; www.web1001.co.cc ; www.cashbca.co.cc, 2009 - 2010, owner
Место работы:
Christopher Salon, 2008 - 2010, Area Sales Manager
Dede Sukmadi живет в городе Bandung, Индонезия. Родился Dede 12 июля. Родной город - Bandung. На странице (ВКонтакте) Dede было обнаружено: друзей - 4, подписчиков - 8, фотографий - 0, аудиозаписей - 0, видеозаписей - 0.
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