Место проживания:
Филиппины, Davao
Дата рождения:
Политические предпочтения:
scrapbooking, collecting stickers, reading books, shoe shopping, dress buying, dancing
scrapbooking, collecting stickers, reading books, shoe shopping, dress buying, dancing
Любимая музыка:
mariah carey's songs (don't forget about us, it's like that y'all, butterfly, fantasy, always be my baby, touch my body, bye-bye)...
natasha bedingfield - love like this...
jojo - how to touch a girl, not that kind of girl...
jennifer love hewitt - cool with you... paula de anda - walk away, when it was me....
secondhand serenade - fall for you... nickelback - far away...
the red jumpsuit apparatus - facedown, my guardian angel, cat and mouse...
panic at the disco - i write sins not tragedies...
miley cyrus - party in the USA, bUTTERRFLY fly away... Lady gaga - bad romance, Cherry cherry boom boom, love game, just dance...
lenka - the show...
rihanna - ps i love you...
keri hilson - love knocks you down
Любимые фильмы:
Twilight Saga, New Moon, 500 DAYS WITH sUMMER, bRING IT ON, mEAN gIRL, Devil Wears Prada, confessions of Shopaholic, CrUEL iNtentions, innocent Steps, windstruck, my sassy girl, ella enchanted, princess diaries 1 and 2. Harry Potter, a very long engagement, the notebook, aliens vs monsters, the wild child, highschool musical 1, 2, 3...van helsing
Любимые телешоу:
Gossip Girl, 90210, Grey's Anatomy, MTV, MYX, dISNEY cHANNEL, hOUSE oF moUsE, If the shoe fits
Любимые книги:
Twilight. New mOON, Eclipse, bREAKING dAWN, Project boyfriend, PURPOSE dRIVEN lIFE
Любимые игры:
Farmville, PeTville, Yoville, Petsociety, rESTAURANT lIFE, rEStaurant City, cafe World, Island Paradise, Tiki farm, fIShville, Happy Aquarium, Home Inn, SoRORITY Life, Diva Life, Fashion Wars, Glamour Age
О себе:
i am a happy-go-lucky person, approachable, patient and understanding. i am funny, however people don't see my serious side,huhu! i have no guts talking in front of the stage. i want to have my own boutique "closet chic" and my own line of shoes. i want to become a professional dancer (dancesports). i'm planning to undergo special trainings and classes on dancing. i am moody sometimes. i love my family, my boyfriend and friends so much. i love butterflies. i love pink. i love shoes. i love dresses. i love God. i'm addicted with Twilight... Certified Edward Cullen Fanatic.
Вуз: SPC, 2009, Очное отделение, Выпускница (бакалавр)
Факультет: Nursing
Кафедра: Nursing Care
Школа: Saint Peter's College of Toril, 2001 - 2005
Suzanne Tega живет в городе Davao, Филиппины. Родилась Suzanne 28 марта 1989. Родной город - Davao. Сегодня Suzanne 35 лет. На странице (ВКонтакте) Suzanne было обнаружено: друзей - 10, подписчиков - 42, фотографий - 0, аудиозаписей - 0, видеозаписей - 0.