Отдых, работа, учеба, игра на электрогитаре, музыка, создание видео, пишу стихи, играю в группе Shadow Light, сходки, металл, концерты
Любимая музыка:
Black. / Death. / Gothic. / Industrial. / Doom. / Sympho. / Darkwave. / Pagan. /, Burzum, Behemoth, Foscor, Lord Aäkon Këëtrëh, Moëvöt, Judas Iscariot, Vlad Tepes, Mütiilation, Silencer, Haggard, Nocturnal Depression, Nabaath, Forest Stream, Revenant, Gloom, Abhorn, Beheaded Zombie, The CNK, Marduk, Satanic Warmaster, Swordmaster, Diabolical, Drudkh, Dub Buk, Gorgoroth, Nargoroth, Vesania, Septic Flesh, Shade Empire, Darkthrone, Belphegor, Dark Funeral, Satyricon, Norther, Children of Bodom, Arch Enemy, Lord Vampyr, Lacrimosa, Deathstars, Cannibal Corpse, Shadow Light, Sopor Aeternus, Moonspell, Otto dix, Vader, Deicide, Mayhem, Murderdolls, Riger, Nokturnal Mortum, The Berzerker, The Kovenant, Metallica, Rammstein, Suicide Commando, Necro Stillar, Unter Null, Lumen, Limbonic Art, DevilDriver, SlipKnot, Carpathian Forest, Xasthur, Illnath, Kalmah, Debauchery