Виктория Раднаева, 12.10 Виктория Раднаева

Виктория Раднаева

Shanghai, Китай

Виктория Раднаева, 12.10

Полное имя:
Виктория Раднаева
Место проживания:
Китай, Shanghai
Родной город:
Дата рождения:
Политические предпочтения:
Главное в людях:
интеллект и креативность
Отношение к курению:
Отношение к алкоголю:
журналистика, спорт, танцы, путешествия
О себе:
Well - experienced traveller, amateur photographer, journalist, writer, interpreter. Spent 8 years in China with jumps into some other points of the world. Few month ago i took short break and back homeland. Strange and nice feeling being here after 13 years of being separated with family. I am taking time now for getting driving license, studying japanese language, working on my book. My homeland is the small miniature of Himalayan mountains, Switzerland, world deepest lake Baikal- East Siberia. Unique and beautiful land, 100 minorities living in peace and harmony. I'm buriat - russian minority, coming originally from Mongolia. We have same language as mongolian, but due to many historical events the first mother language became russian. I supposed to call myself bilingual, but be honest russian is always first come to my mind. For me easier to speak english and chinese languages, getting some spanish understanding. But buriat ( mongolian) words more coming from my parents, who used to mix languages during our communication. I love this multilingual world, and i'm keen on learning new ones. By this day i already spent like 5 month on sit-down life in Russia and slowly getting tired and want to jump on the plane. Well one of the reason - is the pure, beautiful, clean, freezing weather, real winter outside of my window now. Briefly i was born here and must be true siberian girl, but last winters of my life were more like picturesque postcards with palms and coconuts on behind. Indeed last summers i spent hiking in Himalayan mountains. Such a great and pure life experience. I love mountains more then beaches. Forests more then gardens. Waterfalls more then deserts. Rain more then sun. Sunny weather mostly killing me if it comes everyday. I love sea but not good in swimming, haven't any diving experience, just a bit of snorkeling.But open to any of extreme sports. Sure i love active way of spending vacations. But truthfully could fall down with the feeling of - i don't care about everything around me - just give me white sand, non-stop-electricity-pencil and paper-my lovely Mac-palms-coconut milk. This is a good balance of life. What else do i like? I don't like word "like". I just feel love. Love to live and spread my knowledge about it. What do i need for now? I need i crazy need to meet new people outside of my current russian reality, who are good and nice. But i miss my travelling and moving world!
Вуз: БГУ (бывш. БГУЭП, ИГЭА), Очное отделение, Выпускница (магистр)
Факультет: Журналистики
Кафедра: Журналистики и экономики средств массовой информации
Вуз: БНЦ СО РАН, 2017, Очное отделение, Кандидат наук
Вуз: БГУ, Очное отделение, Выпускница (магистр)
Факультет: Факультет мировой экономики и государственного управления
Кафедра: Кафедра мировой экономики и международного бизнеса
Русский, English, Буряад, 汉语, 日本語
Виктория Раднаева живет в городе Shanghai, Китай. Родилась Виктория 12 октября. Родной город - Shanghai. На странице (ВКонтакте) Виктории было обнаружено: друзей - 0, подписчиков - 1301, фотографий - 0, аудиозаписей - 0, видеозаписей - 62. В статусе - Переводчик китайского, журналист, организатор туров по Китаю, помогу наладить связи с КНР. Заходила на свою страничку 28 фев в 16:00.
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