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Bethany Vovan, 25.10.1991

Полное имя:
Bethany Vovan
Родной город:
St.pete, Florida/Land O' lakes, Wisconsin
Дата рождения:
Любимая музыка:
The Rocket Summer, Motion City Soundtaack
Любимые книги:
Harry Potter Series, The Outsiders, The Giver, Gathering Blue
О себе:
My Name is Bethany, I currently attend a private prep boarding highschool in Wisconsin. I dont speak any Russian. I hate when people mispronouce "Library" as "Libarry". I love foreign accents. I love paintball. I hate ignorance and stupidity. I hate narrow mindedness. I love kissing. I love being loved. I hate all forms of lateness. I hate distractions. I love computers, ipods, and cell phones. I hate arogance. I love sixpacks. I love art. I love music. I hate being sweaty. I love getting mail and packages. I love badmitten. I hate rejection. I hate being shy. I love my friends. I love meeting new people. I love movies. I love junk food and sweet. I love the piano and the violin. I hate that i cant play them. I hate limitations. I hate always-negative people. I love having fun. I love laughing and jokes. I love phone calls and text messages. I hate pennies. I hate classwork. I love the colour green. I hate the colour yellow. I hate biology. I hate camping. I love showers. I love sleep. I hate textbooks. I love the smell of colgne. I hate guys who think they have to be badass. I hate misunderstandings. I hate public display of affection.
Bethany Vovan. Родилась Bethany 25 октября 1991. Сегодня Bethany 32 года. На странице (ВКонтакте) Bethany было обнаружено: друзей - 7, подписчиков - 10, фотографий - 0, аудиозаписей - 0, видеозаписей - 0.
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