Полное имя:
Rodrigo Ursulino
Главное в людях:
доброта и честность
Отношение к курению:
Любимые книги:
Pai Rico, Pai Pobre
О себе:
* I am an idea of organisation than ever concreteness ...
* I am not a giant largely to
a boom of the rules and creative and intuitive in most cases ...
* I am pure
yes, I know not say no, I always give way ...
* I am a crowded life of
friends or what is keen to be only ...
* I am a sympathetic smile,
understanding and above all not a wonder at times ..
* An unexpected hug, a
well of surprises ...
* I say and hear words that stimulate who or kill
* I am refusing to be next to someone just getting by ...
* I am the
option of a romantic exaggeration and without shame to be so ...
* I get a
blank sheet draw and write what you will ...
*Who that I also do not write
for lack of space ...
* I am torn a declaration of love, or hate ...
* I
am not hold the tears in the eyes ...
* I do not get hurt silence, I let the
dust remain well little short then get to chat or simply by dropping everything
to lose everything at once and without compassion ...
* I am nicenes, caress,
joy, uncontrollable laughter, delicates ..
* But too grosness, ugly face and
many variations of bad mood ...
* And my style is more varied that there ..
because I agree with my state of mind ...... pleased to meet you
My Name
** Rodrigo**
Школа: Organização Escolar Além
Informatics Technician
Место работы:
Ceramica Cristofoletti Ltda, 2007 - 2013, Administrator Computer Network
English, Português
Rodrigo Ursulino. Родился Rodrigo 16 мая. На странице (ВКонтакте) Rodrigo было обнаружено: друзей - 0, подписчиков - 169, фотографий - 0, аудиозаписей - 161, видеозаписей - 57. В статусе - Наслаждайтесь каждым моментом вы с теми, кто заботится о вас, как и в жизни, все заканчивается. Заходил на свою страничку вчера в 11:21.