Полное имя:
Андрей Коваленко
Место проживания:
США, New York City
Родной город:
Одесса, Поскот
Дата рождения:
Политические предпочтения:
It seems like im an atheist( too popular now days)
Low life)))
Interessi, muzika. no tolko staraya. ppl juss dont kno how to make good music no more., Sport, american football, baseball
Любимая музыка:
Anything thats worth my while. Especially love Russian Rock, preferably old, DDT, Alisa, Nautilus, Akvarium, list goes on, and on, and on, and on Rock and Roll, oldschool to da bone. Rap, only good rap, old rap.
Любимые фильмы:
Tooooo many to list
Любимые телешоу:
South Park, Family Guy. umm wat else. well history channel, discovery, food network)))
Любимые книги:
Catcher in the rye( love it SO MUCH) to kill a mockingbird( amazing thing) 1984(gets even better everytime i read it, absolute genius) well the Lord Of The Rings. umm hard to name all of them at once. Russian classics: Master i Margarita( who doesnt lovee it) Idiot( Knyaz' Mishkin, ma dude) Voyna i mir(good shit) Arhipelag Gulag( awesome) however the list would b tooooo long to write, im too lazy))) OHH, of coarse Harry Potter( since i was 11, the most amuzing thing
Любимые игры:
The entire series of GTA. played and beat all of them: GTA, GTA London 1969, GTA II, GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA Liberty City Stories, GTA Vice City Stories, GTA San Andreas, and GTA IV. CALL OF DUTY!!! Bioshock, Gran Turismo, Need For Speed, RDR, killzone, just cause, GOW!!!!!!!!!!
О себе:
its very amusing to have a look at life from a perspective of a "low life" like me.
but still, believing that everything will work out in some strange way, keeps the motor running...
Perhaps someday it will all b worth it...
Школа: Школа № 10, 1996 - 2003
Школа: New Utrecht High School, 2003 - 2007
Школа: Kingsborough Community College
Above The Lawn landscaping
Место работы:
Above The Lawn landscaping, с 2003 г., Landscaper
Место работы:
Rasputin Night Club, с 2006 г., Runner/Bartender
Андрей Коваленко живет в городе New York City, США. Родился Андрей 14 марта 1989. Родной город - New York City. Сегодня Андрея 35 лет. На странице (ВКонтакте) Андрея было обнаружено: друзей - 101, подписчиков - 147, фотографий - 6, аудиозаписей - 411, видеозаписей - 32.