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Александр Моисеев, 08.04.1986 Александр Моисеев

Александр Моисеев

Москва, Россия
1587 друзей

Александр Моисеев, 08.04.1986

Полное имя:
Александр Моисеев
Место проживания:
Россия, Москва
Родной город:
Дата рождения:
Политические предпочтения:
О себе:
Moiseyev Alexander, born on April, 8th, 1986. My music for me it's a style of my life, as well as for many DJs. To take a great interest in it I has begun in 9 years, listened to the radio, wrote down it on a tape record lifes and mixes. My father didn't forbid and doesn't forbid to be engaged to this day in music as it in due time was brave fan of the game on a guitar, sang and composed music and texts. He was given to the music entirely and completely. In 1976-1977, in a city palace of pioneers my Father has won the first place across Moscow in competition of " patriotic songs ". So, my bent to the music, it's a family business. Being at so early age, I entered in the radio of a mug. My hobby, i shall tell so, has led me to the beginning of my career. Since 1999, I have unequivocally solved try myself in a role of school dj, at school number 63. Further I developed the talent in the house of culture. Performances behind performances, development of the skill, skills and clearnesses in game, I aspired to greater. I have started to invite in different institutions, the Master and the Bassoon, h.c in city Railway played f.d the Dawn, club H, club, club Put Independence, club the Podium, the entertaining center Spheres and Size, club Karenina, Open-air, a house-cafe on Voikovskay, opening of club Black and White, club Captain Drake, Bora-Bora, club the Pyramid in the city of ShCherbinka, the Hungry Duck, etc. On all of it was left many time, for this time I developed not only as DJ, but also as the person in the musical industry. Since 1999, i have collect a huge collection of musical tracks, music for all tastes, any subjects, under any contingent, and on any action is totaled. At this present, at this time I play in clubs: Persona Grata, Jumanjy in Color parkway, club Thirst, Dion in Chertanovo, club Kvadro, club Diamond and club Elle and as the resident of the Storm club. I don't have standards in the music, I play everything, but I give the greater preference to all kinds of a house. My music, it not only a sound from columns, it's a skill to get crowd, since evening, till morning of any day
Вуз: МГМУ (МАМИ), 2010, Очное отделение, Выпускник (специалист)
Факультет: Автоматизации и управления
Кафедра: Автоматики и процессов управления
Вуз: Университет машиностроения (МАМИ), 2015, Заочное отделение, Студент (специалист)
Факультет: Институт экономики и управления
Кафедра: Кафедра «Экономика и организация производства»
Александр Моисеев живет в городе Москва, Россия. Родился Александр 8 апреля 1986. Родной город - Москва. Сегодня Александра 38 лет. На странице (ВКонтакте) Александра было обнаружено: друзей - 1587, подписчиков - 2158, фотографий - 135, аудиозаписей - 390, видеозаписей - 69. Заходил на свою страничку сегодня в 12:13.
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