Место проживания:
Южная Корея, Seoul
Политические предпочтения:
Главное в жизни:
наука и иссследования
Главное в людях:
юмор и жажда жизни
Inspired people and beauty people
reading books, listen to music, movie, drawing, take a picture, poetry, teach the music, play the music, concept my wear, write a music, design, computer design, illustration, sign a song, write a music, etc..
Любимая музыка:
pop, classic, ballad, mc hammer, mariah carey, whitney huston, beatles, abba, smokie, michael buble, monica, 접속ost(Lover's concerto), mamas and papas, cliff richard, etc..
Любимые фильмы:
007 series, kungpu panda, x-man series, harry porter series, eternel sunshine, mr.hitch, romeo and juliet, disappear with wind, doctor gibago, batman begins, sound of music, back to the future, my love culisue, summer for 500 days, free willy, mikey story series, 천년유혼, 백일홍, jack and bean, mamma mia, ramington still, ace ventura, mr.bin, etc..
Любимые телешоу:
ophra winphrey show, talk show, etc..
Любимые книги:
romeo and juliet, my lime orange tree, litte door, tess, novel series, youngn prince, star, red hair ann, big tall uncle, love for german, first love, great wealth, animal farm, blue castle, emma, jane air, etc..
Любимые игры:
tetris, chess, kaos, board game, pet, air penguin, ace ventura, bingo, etc
О себе:
I love books, music, drawing, pet, poetry, all I love
Вуз: 그리스도대학교 (Korea Christian University), 2006, Очно-заочное отделение, Студентка (магистр)
Факультет: 음악학부 (Department of Music)
Кафедра: 피아노전공 (Division of Piano)
Школа: 신사중학교 (Shinsa Middle School), 1994 - 2016
study well, play the piano well
computer art school
Место работы:
computer art school, с 2013 г., computer designer
Hwa-Yeon Lee живет в городе Seoul, Южная Корея. Родилась Hwa-Yeon 5 октября. Родной город - Seoul. На странице (ВКонтакте) Hwa-Yeon было обнаружено: друзей - 24, подписчиков - 61, фотографий - 11, аудиозаписей - 78, видеозаписей - 0.