Полное имя:
Alex Pattyfer
Место проживания:
США, Washington, D.C.
Родной город:
Santa Monica, California, USA
Дата рождения:
Политические предпочтения:
Главное в жизни:
улучшить мир
Главное в людях:
доброта и честность
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Leave in film here is my interest)))
Любимая музыка:
Much what musik I listen))) But basically ето: not even know shorter plenty of
Любимые фильмы:
With my participation)))
Любимые телешоу:
No time((((
Любимые книги:
No time(((
Любимые игры:
NO TIME((((( NO TIME((((( NO TIME((((( NO TIME((((( NO TIME((((( NO TIME((((( NO TIME((((( NO TIME(((((
О себе:
Alex was born the April 10 1990 in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. The Son of the actor Richard Pettifera and models Robinson, in the same way he has a younger brother from the second hut his(its) full-grown.
The Career Alex in began with meeting Ralifa Lorana in shop toy, when him was 7 years. Then he and became the model such лейбла, as GAP.
Alex learned;learnt in small school in Tvikenheme and often participated in local production. In 2005 he threw model bisnes and already as actor. After his(its) appearances in TV serial School years of the Volume Brown many critics were called back about his(its) play much well and at July this year he has got the offer on participation in film Stormbreaker on book Anthony Horovica. His(its) have chosen from 500 candidates and, what turned out to be, not in vain. Itself Anthony speaks that saw Alex Raydera main hero his(its) books, exactly such. Simultaneously with this offer Alex has entered one more removals in film Eragon , which removals were to pass in Cheches, because of what Alex and has chosen, certainly, Stormbreaker . Alex did not want on long abandon its native land, even little was afraid this. Stormbreaker left in Great britain on July 21, August 17 in Russia and only 21 september in Australia and October 6 in USA. During removals Alex did not discuss this in school, following advice YUena MAKGREGORA. Better separate these two notions work and private life - has said him YUen.
Presently Alex lives in Windsor, Berkshire. He happened to to throw the school since for quarries will for the best on work, after all after Stormbreaker on Alex were sprinkled one offer for others.
Itself Alex characterizes itself, as atheletic person. At free time he rides on mountain ski and game of hockey. A Certain time he met with its партнершей on film Stormbreaker Saroy Bolger, but presently they already not together. Go the rumours that he has found the new passion on behalf of дочери its manager, who call Oliviya Simpson.
Вуз: American University, 2011, Очное отделение, Выпускник (магистр)
Факультет: College of Arts & Sciences
Школа: All Saints High School, 1996 - 2006
Where take here is my company)))
Место работы:
Where take here is my company))), с 2005 г., Actor
Alex Pattyfer живет в городе Washington, D.C., США. Родился Alex 18 октября 1991. Родной город - Washington, D.C.. Сегодня Alex 33 года. На странице (ВКонтакте) Alex было обнаружено: друзей - 9, подписчиков - 17, фотографий - 5, аудиозаписей - 0, видеозаписей - 0.